“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

- Romans 15:7


Cross Connection Beginnings

In 2016 when Grace Hmong Alliance Church did not have a building yet, there were many challenges facing our Church:

  • Attrition of church membership.
  • Lack of a formal communication process between ministries.
  • Lack of a social media presence.
  • Disjointed attendance tracking, guest integration and greeting processes.
  • We had younger generations and older generations that couldn’t understand each other due to language barrier.
    • One spoke strictly English and the Other spoke strictly Hmong

As a result of this, one of our esteem Elder and GA member that year, (Jeff Sponcia) started to do research and data gathering. That summer he started to:

  1. Obtain guest contact information as they came in.
  2. Count and gather Sunday service attendance total.
  3. Started a small greeting committee with a group of volunteers.
  4.  Partner with other ministry and Elders on the GA to start the conversation of having a ministry that could address these many challenges.

After much research, prayer, analysis, and with the authorization from the GHAC Governing Board, God blessed our Church with a brand new Ministry unlike any other:

Main Aspects

Cross Connection Ministry Team consist of Public relations, Greeting, and Communications.  These three main aspects exist because of prayer, service commitment, generous donations of goods and monetary gifts from GHAC members, local partners, and guests.

Praise God we have been able to re-open the Cross Connection Café in 2021!  We re-opened on June 6th and have been practicing safe protocols to avoid any COVID-19 related issues.  We encourage you to stop by our café anytime on Sunday morning from 8AM-9AM or 9:45AM-10:15AM.

We welcome you to Grace Hmong Alliance Church–come experience the family of Christ in the City of Wauwatosa…just outside of the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Hours of Operation


8:00AM – 9:00AM

9:45AM – 10:15AM

All other days and Times

The Café will be available for rental/church usage but will be unstaffed. Please be respectful and keep it clean after each usage. Thank You.


  • Tou Vang (Chair)crossconnection@ghalliance.org

  • N. Tou Vang (Crystal Vang)

  • Tee Cha

  • N. Tee Cha (Linda Cha)

  • Khue Kong

  • N. Khue Kong (Wendy Kong)

  • Peter Kong

  • N. Peter Kong (Ka Kong)

  • Pachia Chang

  • Mary Her

  • Tom Kong

  • N. Tom Kong (Elizabeth)

  • Rosie Lor

  • Kee Yang

  • Vaaj Foom Yaaj (Advisor)