Mission & Vision
Pawgntseeg GHAC muaj homphaj hab zeemmuag kws xaav kuas cov tswvcuab suavdlawg nrug ua kuas pawgntseeg lub homphaj hab zeemmuag tav.
At Grace, we firmly believe in the dual nature of Jesus as fully human and fully divine. This foundational belief underpins everything we do, as our ultimate aim is to wholeheartedly follow Jesus. We aspire for our daily lives, whether within the confines of our homes, the church community, or the various spheres of work and education, to serve as a testament that directs others towards Him. Our commitment to reorienting our lives and priorities around Jesus extends even to platforms like this website, as we seek to align every aspect of our existence with His teachings and example.

Our Purpose
English: “Living the call of Christ”
Hmong: “Ua Lub Neej Lawv Le Yexus Hu”
Click to listen (nas kaablug nuav noog):
Ua lub neej lawvle Vaajtswv tau pub koobmoov rua txhua tug ntseeg (Living the call of Christ ) – 1 Cor 12:4-6.

Our Goal
English: “To Become a Great Commission Church”
Hmong: “Kuas Ua Tau Pawgntseeg Coj Tau Lwmtug Lug Cuag Vaajtswv”
Click to listen (nas kaablug nuav noog):
Xaav pum kuas cov ntseeg ua tau Vaajtswv teg dlejnum rua kev coj tuabneeg lug ua Tswv Yexus le thwjtim (To become a Great Commission Church). – Mat 28:18-20.