IMPORTANT! Membership Renewal (Txheeb Npe Tswvcuab) Ongoing Lub rooj Txwjlaug xaav tshaajtawm rua tsevneeg huv pawgntseeg Grace Hmong Alliance Church paub tas peb yuav muaj txheeb hab khu npe tswvcuab rua xyoo 2023 nuav. Sijhawm yuav txheeb npe tswvcuab yuav pib lub 1 hlis moog txug rua 3 hlis 2023. Txhua yim tswvcuab ib yig yuavtsum tau ib dlaim ntawv sau npe tswvcuab. Txhua yim kws tseem yuav ua tswvcuab rua pawgntseeg yuav tau xaa dlaim ntawv tswvcuab rov tuaj; thaus xaa tuaj, yuav tau sau npe teem sijhawm lawv le khoom xaa tuaj rua lub rooj Txwjlaug le peb tseem yuav npaaj ntxiv. Le maam qha kuas ntxawg rua suavdlawg ntxiv moog. Yog tsi meej los nug cov txwjlaug ntxiv.
Translation: On behalf of the elder board, we would like to announce to all Grace family that, we’ll have membership renewal in 2023. Actual membership renewal will begin in January 2023 and conclude at the end of March 2023. Each family will have to acknowledge the receipt of the membership renewal form. Those who are still interested to continue to be Grace’s members should complete and return the membership renewal form back; upon returning the membership renewal form, each family will have to sign up for a time slot to meet with Elders regarding their renewal. Additional details will be given as the time approaches. If there are any questions, please see any of the Elders for clarification.